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CAT (Critical Appraisal Topics) という形にまとめるようにしました。
We were trying to solve clinical questions on topics listed below.

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う蝕の診断 Caries Diagnosis (Dr. Kimoto)Ref1 Ref2 Ref3 Ref4
う蝕の予防 Caries Prevention (Dr. Kageyama)Ref
う蝕のリスク Caries Risk (Dr. Imai)Ref1
Ref2 Ref3 Ref4
根面う蝕 Root Caries (Dr. Tsuruya)Ref
知覚過敏の治療 Hypersensitivity treatment (Dr. Mimaru)Ref1 Ref2 Ref3
知覚過敏の治療 Hypersensitivity treatment (Dr. Iwata)
直接歯髄覆罩 Pulp Capping (Dr. Takubo)
根尖病変を治療するのか待つのか Wait & see periapical lesion (Dr. Miyamoto)Ref
1回治療の根管治療 One appointment Endodontics (Dr. Iida)Ref
根管治療の成功率 Success Root canal therapy (Dr. Tateyama)Ref1 Ref2
根管治療後の痛み Pain after Root canal therapy (Dr. Kanouda)Ref
歯根破折の疫学 Root fracture Epidemiology (Dr. Asaka)Ref
歯根破折の診断 Root fracture Diagnosis (Dr. Nakamura)Ref
歯周治療するかしないか With or without Periodontal treatment (Dr. Osaki)Ref
歯周病の診査 Periodontal examination (Dr. Yamamoto)
歯周病非外科治療 Non-surgical Periodontal treatment (Dr. Ochiai)Ref
歯周病非外科治療と外科治療 Non-surgical vs Surgical Periodontal treatment (Dr. Ochiai)Ref1 Ref2
根分岐部病変の歯牙 Furcation involved teeth (Dr. Nohira)
根分岐部病変 Furcation involvement (Dr. Kato)
GTR法の成功率 Success GTR therapy (Dr. Aoki)Ref1 Ref2 Ref3 Ref4 Ref5 Ref6 Ref7
Success Emdogain therapy (Dr. Miyashita)Ref
補綴治療のデザイン Prosthetic design (Dr. Saito)Ref1
補綴治療の成功率 Success prosthetic treatment (Dr. Tokaji)Ref1 Ref2
歯牙の動揺と補綴治療 Mobile tooth & Prosthetic treatment (Dr. Yamakura)Ref
ブラキシズムとは Bruxism (Dr. Okamura)
インプラント治療における骨移植 Bone graft of Implant (Dr. Yoshikawa)
メインテナンス治療 Maintenance therapy (Dr. Kawasaki) Ref1
補助的治療(メインテナンス) Supportive therapy (Dr. Miyashita) Ref1 Ref2
歯磨剤のテクニック Toothpaste technique (Dr. Miyashita) Ref1
喫煙と歯周病 Smoking & Periodontal disease (Dr. Miyashita) Ref1
ブリーチングの効果と害 Effectiveness & Harm after bleeching (Dr. Komine)
一次予防 Primary prevention (Dr. Komaki)Ref1 Ref2
根尖病変の発達 Periapical lesion development (Dr. Yamasaki)
Not yet determined (Dr. Hasegawa)
歯周病再評価の時期 Timing for the Reexamination (Dr. Kasajima)
Not yet determined (Dr. Takahashi)
咬合と肩こり Occlusion & TMD pain (Dr. Inoue)
短歯列弓とは Shortened dental arch (Dr. Enomoto)
補綴物のデザイン Prosthetic design (Dr. Kanaya)
Not yet determined (Dr. Bando)
インプラントの生存率 Implant survival (Dr. Saotome)
歯性上顎洞炎と歯内療法 Sinusitis & Endodontics (Dr. Sugita)
Not yet determined (Dr. Fukuda)
Noy yet determined (Dr. Ikeda)
Not yet determined (Dr. Kanba)
Not yet determined (Dr. Kokubu)
Not yet determined (Dr. Kumagai)
Not yet determined (Dr. Hayashi)
補綴治療と歯牙の延命 Prosthetic treatment & tooth survival (Dr. Yamaguchi)
Not yet determined (Dr. Endo)

Receptionist (Hyg. Kitou)
口腔衛生と肺炎 Oral hygiene & Pneumonia(Hyg. Yamaguchi Sachi
正常と修復された歯周組織 Normal vs Repaired periodontal tissue (Hyg. Uehara)
手用と音波歯ブラシ Manual vs Sonic tooth brush (Hyg. Yokoyama)
ポリッシングの臨床効果 Clinical effectiveness of Polishing (Hyg. Iida) Ref
砂糖摂取と歯肉炎 Is sugar comsumption responsible for Gingivitis ? (Hyg. Yamaguchi Shi) Ref
堅めとやわらかめの歯ブラシ Hard vs Soft Toothbrushes (Hyg. Ito)

う蝕予防(PMTC) Caries Prevention (PMTC) (Hyg. Tanaka)

う蝕予防(フッ化第一スズとフッ化ナトリウム) Caries Prevention (Fluoride gel or foam) (Hyg. Tsuchisaka)
Not yet determined (Hgy. Shioura)

Not yet determined (Hyg. Sumita)

Not yet determined (Hyg. Kadota)

Not yet determined (Hyg. Tsukakoshi)




Not yet determined (Dental technician Mr. Sugawara)




Denture & plaque control (Dental student Ms. Washinosu)



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