Oral Health Group Members


Nothing you can search that can't be found
Nothing to include that isn't sound
Don't hypothesise, better meta analyze
It's easy
All you need is trials

Don't forget to weight for sample size
Don't forget your peers should critisize
Don't forget, be true, there's just one man for you
It's Rev Man
All you need is trials

Don't forget it's time for that update
Don't forget you must disseminate
Nothing's worth the fuss, if it's going to gather dust
It's easy
All you need is trials

Please don't let your ego overheat
Please don't think you're part of an elite
It just becomes hot air, if you forget to care
It's easy
All you need is love

We love you, yeh, yeh, yeh,
We love you, yeh, yeh, yeh,

Love is all you need

Lennon J (1966) Personal Communication

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