Birthplace On Nakano ward in Tokyo Month of birth January Blood type Type B
Work experience   Quality control after Electronics、Electric
 and Mechatronics   
and interests

Sports:Tennis, Skiing, Golfing
Karaoke:I usually sing songs of Southern All Stars.
      I sing songs of the Beetles and Stevie Wonder in English.
Watching:Movie(Spilberg), Ballet
Listening:Classical music, female vocal, Jazz
Appreciation:Paintings(Christian Riese Lassen)
Personal computer:I thought to study electronics
      when I.C. manufacturer in U.S.A. developed I.C..
      I developed electronics equipment using C.P.U..
      I used assembler language
      I build DOS/V computers for me and
      my friends.
Photograph:I take evidential picture for test on the job.
    Going to trip, I like to take picture.
    Photograph is communication tool.
    It is used to persuade someone and
    it is a media to recognize real event.
    I like to take picture and see picture.
English:I like English conversation.
      I read TIME magazine and see it's pictures.
      Japan is a district in the world.
      There are a lot of something new and interesting
       out of Japan.
Extinct fossil animals and plants : I am interested in
      an opinion that dinosaur were warm blooded  
      animals, changing common sense.
      And more interesting that the very light layer
      Iridium is material from out of the earth
      is discovered. It guesses an opinion of  
      dinosaur extinction by meteorite and it is  
      conformed almost. Many scientists had searched
      evidence. And then a huge meteorite collision
      point was discovered on Yucatan peninsula.   
      The opinion become sure.
      Humankind's imaginative power found this.
       Human is wonderful. Is human being the god,  
      understanding the event 65 million years ago?
      Dr.Carl Sagan guessed from the opinion of
      dinosaur extinction by meteorite numerated
      an opinion of nuclear winter.
      He alert bell for human being crisis by
      nuclear war.
      The humankind get intelligence like god by
      humankind imaginative power prevent from
      humankind extinction crisis. I wish the
      humankind continue to exist forever.