

May 2001@

Homepage start

Pictures were taken when children were painting on Nerima azalea park.

Aug. 2001

AdditionFrenewal information, self-introduction, sighting meteorite and my computers

Sighting meteorite is producing now.

Apr.8, 2003

"Sighting meteorite" was uploaded.

Apr.20, 2003

hNerima azalea parkh was renewed.

Oct.18, 2003 This homepage separated to 2 languages for Japanese and English. All computers in the world
can access this web site.
 Jan.30, 2016  Hakkouda mountain in midsummer, Hachimantai in midsummer, Tateyama in midsummer and
Frozen trees on Taka-Tsue ski course in midwinter were uploaded.
 March 5, 2020 This English homepage was spellchecked. Misspellings were corrected. 
October 20, 2020  Tsukuba meteorite route diagrams and calculation lists were added. hNerima azalea parkh,
hHakkouda mountain in midsummerh, hHachimantai in midsummerh and hTateyama in midsummerh
were deleted.
 December 28,2021  Tsukuba meteorite fall route map and Tsukuba meteorite landing position relational diagrams
were revised.
 January 6, 2022  "Discoverys and results by analyses about eyewitnessing Tsukuba meteorite fall" was added.
February 8, 2022   "Discoverys and results by analyses about eyewitnessing Tsukuba meteorite fall" was revised.
June 20, 2023    Diagrams and drawings about Tsukuba meteorite were changed to GIF files.
"Calculations for Velocities and Sound Velocities of Tsukuba Meteoriteccc" was revised.

"the Discoverys of the New Facts by Eyewitnessing Tsukuba Meteorite Fall and That Analyses" was revised.


